To be a leader in the Industry in which it operates. This simple fact contributing the health and wealth of all above is important even for the national exchequer as only healthy and profit making company could now survive.
- To be known as a good company to work for.
- To be known as a provider of excellent quality goods.
- To be known as an organization that walks its talk.
- To grown into an organization that lasts generations.
- To be the most referred brand.
- At every level of our organization we want our people to become "best-in-class"
- To act honestly and to work with a deep sense of responsibility fulfilling our duties and keeping our promises.
- Continuous development of operating processes and production.
- Internal procedures of optimization for constant control of the internal work flow.
- Continuous ensuring of quality.
- Through quality assurance and stringent evaluations, provide our customers with quality products and consistency in services.
- Develop and maintain a supplier/customer relationship based on open communication, mutual trust and respect.